The Search for the Cuenca Team

February and March were incredibly busy months filled with travel by air and car, meeting new people and visiting old friends,  and speaking at churches, young adult groups, and youth events.  We just completed our April interviews.  We had eight amazing people interview to join our team to Cuenca, Ecuador next January.  I had two fun girls stay with me in Nampa over the weekend, and I loved hanging out with them and getting to be part of the interview process.  I’m so excited to see what happens!

The best thing about my job is getting to be part of peoples’ lives as they work through God’s call in their lives.  I love the conversations, the prayers, the excitement.  What a blessing!

Here are a few pictures from my adventures the last couple months:


I hung out at the Intermountain Young Adult Retreat in February and spoke a bit about Extreme. Great times at Trinity Pines!


In February, I got to go to Hume Lake Christian Camps for our mobilization summit and to speak at the Joshua Wilderness Institute.


I got to speak at Bakersfield First, my friends Tim and Shawna Gaines’ church.  Fun times! IMG_3379

I’ve never been to Crater Lake, but I got to see it as we flew over.


My favorite way to relax:  reading and tea.  This was after breakfast in Idaho Falls following an NYI event and church presentation in Billings, Montana.


The view from my favorite rest stop going over Donner Pass in California after a couple presentations in the Sacramento area.  I love the Sierra Nevadas!


All this travel is taking it’s toll on my car…and hundreds of insects!


Olivia and Marissa, the wonderful girls who stayed at my house during the Cross Cultural Orientation and interviews.


I like goofy pics.  This was at The Village.


Olivia had some extra time, so we visited the old Idaho state penitentiary.

One Comment Add yours

  1. cmaxweber says:

    Yay!!!! 😀 😀 😀

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